Gimme 5 Challenge
Before break our principal, Paul Erickson, gave us the time to work through a great reflective opportunity called the Gimme 5 Challenge. This challenge came from Dr. Todd Schmidt from Harbor View Elementary in California.
I challenge you to reflect on your year as you read through my thoughts of being a first year Library Media Specialist!
What has been your ONE biggest struggle during this school year?
1. My biggest struggle has been having enough time for purposeful, meaningful lessons. I get classes once a week for 35 minute lessons and at least 15 minutes is eaten up by check out time. By the time we get through directions, discussion, or get technology out our time is spent. I'm hoping to tweek this next year so this is no longer a struggle, but a success.
Share TWO accomplishments that you are proud of from this school year.
1. I'm very excited about the different school wide programs I have put in place this year like the Bookmark Challenge, Picture Book Month, and First Reader Raffles, to name a few. I try to create opportunities to celebrate reading and creativity as often as possible and it will continue to grow.
2. I am also counting collaboration with the whole staff as an accomplishment this year, especially with scheduling and the distribution of technology. Those responsibilities required me to step up my leadership and get away from be a passive member of our PLC.
What are THREE things you wish to accomplish before the end of the school year?
1. A huge thing on my list for the end of the year is an inventory. No, it doesn't sound fun and I'm sure it won't be... but it needs to be done and it is obvious that it has not been done in a long time. Think of me scanning every single book while you enjoy your first week of summer! ;)
2. I am going to be working hard on spiralizing all my curriculum through the grade levels. By the end of the school year I would like to have a document created with the Kansas standards for each grade level side by side so I can really map out the vertical alignment and lessons over the summer.
3. I also want to promote summer reading before the end of the school year. I will be encouraging students to participate in Scholastic's Summer Reading Challenge and we will also create a whole school book recommendation wall... so many ideas to get a handle on!
Give FOUR reasons why you remain in education in today's rough culture.
1. Kids need positive relationships with adults.
2. Kids need to learn technology as a tool, not a toy.
3. Kids need a role model for a reading life.
4. (&5) My nieces, because kids are our future.
Which FIVE people do you hope will take the challenge of answering these questions?
1. Kim, my former partner teacher, mentor, and friend
2. Mrs. Neill, a former teacher of mine who is now an outstanding, dynamic colleague
3. April, once a parent of a former student of mine, now a Kansas Teacher of the Year nominee!
4. Danae and Jenna, fellow K-Staters that are now Swathers
5. My library team!
I would love to see your #gimme5challenge reflection! Who would you challenge?
- Audra